Sunday Services


   We would love for you to join us live or via the internet. We are now worshiping In-Person Service at 9:30 a.m. These services will follow COVID protocols and safety measures.

We stream on Facebook and you can log in directly through Zoom. We are trying a new Vimeo platform to link the service direcly from our page. Please be patient with us as we continue to try to bring the service to you in as many ways as possible. If you would like to view via our Facebook Live page, click on this link.

 A link for the Sunday bulletin is also included.

If you wish to view our service at a more convenient time, our recorded  service is provided towards the bottom of this page.

Whether you are with us in person, or via an online method, we welcome you to share in the love of Christ as we praise God for His gifts, His guidance, and His continued presence in our lives.



Sunday, October 20, 2024 Bulletin Zoom Worship

If You Missed Us on Sunday...

Worship Assistants


In Sunday worship, the lector is responsible for reading the first and second lessons and for leading the congregation in reading the Psalm responsively. At other services, the duties may vary, but they will always involve reading the Scripture. This is one of the most significant parts of any worship service, and it is important to prepare so that you can read well. Here are a few tips.

1. Take the time to read the lessons and the Psalm ahead of time. How do you know what the lessons are for your Sunday? You can find them on the here on the ELCA website. You will need to scroll down to find the correct year. The readings are divided into the seasons of the church year; calendar dates are also given. If you don't have access to the web or if you have questions, please contact the church office.

2. Practice reading out loud. That way you will be able to divide the phrases properly and find anything that might trip you up.

3. If your reading includes some names that you aren't sure how to pronounce, NetMinistries has an on-line pronunciation guide where you can hear the words pronounced. Once again, if you have questions, ask Pastor Ginger.

4. It is best to read slowly and clearly. If you get lost in the reading, just stop and restart.

5. Make sure that the microphone is on and in the proper position BEFORE the service starts, if possible.